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Animation compiling help

polycounter lvl 9
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Prophet9 polycounter lvl 9
Greetings! I posted this on the Dev forums, but I thought I may find some help from the animation experts here too. :)

I am running into difficulty getting custom animations to appear in game.
I'm working on some attack animations for Juggernaut.

I ran into some problems - mainly in compiling the QC file to include the new animation .smd files I've created.
When I compile the QC file, I get an error stating:
ERROR: cannot find bone thigh_R for bbox (even though the name is correct in the .smd)

A solution was to comment out or remove that hitbox line in the QC file. (commenting out this one: $hbox 0 "thigh_R" -42.554 -11.887 -21.047 -2.388 12.963 21.282)

This works, and the compiling continues past the error point, only to receive a new error on the next bone in the chain - another cannot find bone knee_R for example.

So, I tried removing all hitbox lines in the QC (not just leg references) and this allows the file to compile completely.
I was able to load my custom animations into Dota for testing, and also into the Model Viewer to test there as well.

My current problem is that it seems none of my leg bones (thigh, knee, ankle, toe) seem to be exported.
When I load the files in the Model Viewer, I can check the bone list in the drop down in the Bones tab. This is where I saw that none of the leg bones are listed.
I'm not sure where along the line they get removed, but if I look at the SMD file for my custom animation (exported from 3ds Max) - I see all bones present.

I can only assume that the QC compile process is removing them or ignoring them in some way (perhaps because of the commenting out above??).
The upper body animates correctly, but the legs are all stiff and just move along with the root bone of the skeleton (in Model Viewer, and in Dota itself).
This is the case for all animations for the character, not just the new ones.

I'm not sure what to try next. I did compare the default attack.smd to my new attack.smd and while all bones are present in both files, their numerical list order is not the same (but hierarchy numbers after the bone name go to their respective correct bone in the list). I also figured this would not matter as I'm compiling new files through the QC process anyway.

So... I'm not sure what to try next... any assistance at this point would be grand! :)

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