Hi Polycounters,
i have modeled a Thompson M1A1 to increase my skills.
Worked a bit with quixels dDo and nDo (Trial) to check out these nice tools.
I´m nub and im happy with the result.
What did you think?
PS: In UDK the weapon looks bad. Dont know why. Maybe Material/Light Setting...
Greetings from Germany,
You could also use that to develop a normal map on your model. If you have a copy of zBrush or Mudbox you can create a high-resolution version of your weapon with a bit more detail.
Look here:
#1 - I assume this is just a texture you've thrown on. It doesn't work. Not right now, anyways. The specular highlights that you could add would greatly benefit parts like this, where it's a low-detail texture.
#2 - That is some super-reflective wood. Have a look at giving it a fresnel and lowering the specularity. Good reference is this: http://www.zachbillings.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/Thompson-SMG.jpg
The weapon doesn't look bad per se, it's just a bit flat right now. I also suggest adding some variation to the actual metal. Perhaps some wear, or you can darken the material (as per the reference above) and add highlights to the edges?
Thank you for your answer.
Yeah you´re right. The wood has to much specularity. It look´s new and polished
Area 1 is a white shape i converted in nDo to the normal map, which i don´t baked out. Just made a new Normal in nDo
So the next step would be to darken up the Specularity for the wood and to lighten it up just on the edges, that you mean?
Thanks and greetings!
So i have darken the Specular for the Wood and lighten it up for the metal parts.
And i have tested the Toolbag 2 Trial, so that the pictures have a different style to the first pictures i have posted.
And i tested the look of the weapon at Night. Without any Light Source.
At Night the weapon looks fine. But when there shines a light source from the Side on the weapon, the weapon looks a little bit flat
Dont know what to do next. Maybe start a new weapon?
Or maybe i need a stronger AO? Any advice how to make the weapon more realistic and less flat?
Thank you for your answer!
I will add some sratches in the metal specular.
Can you maybe tell me, why the No Light Screenshots look better then the Screenshots with Light? xD
Is it maybe something with the AO? Or anything else?
I would like to get the Screens with the Light to the same level as the Screens with no light xD
mhhh...maybe i have to darken the diffuse.... funny... xD
Have to move on to learn more and more...
I want to become like Lone_Wolf or similar!
*Looking up to him* Q.Q
Grüße aus Deutschland
Damn, Toolbag 2 is so awesome!!!
Really like it and i want to buy this tool as soon as possible ^^