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Hand painted stuff for a mobile game

polycounter lvl 13
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low_seb polycounter lvl 13

want to share my first try to handpainted texture ,its for a possible android game

I start with the main character wip
High poly

and where i am so far 512 texture ,1200 tri

any advice ,including polycount and topolgy
thanks for reading


  • LMP
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    LMP polycounter lvl 13
    Looks nice, I'd try to sharpen up the details. Polycount, it's certainly not too many. You potentially could have no enough polys for good articulation.
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    It depends on the camera, but ill talk in general
    For the ankles. If you have a hexagon that is supposed to be a cylinder, just make it a hexagon. If you cannot do a shape, then dont. Either its a perfect hexagon screw or a terrible ring, and for me the choice seems obvious. But this again depends on the camera.

    It is good how you articulared the different surfaces with different lightness values, but it is inconsistent, like you didnt really knew which was which on the diffuse.
    The main body is looking good (although darker color around the head would bring it out more) but the arms and feet are unlogical at places. And the ankles are missing that technique at all, they just dont have it, making it look wrong. (also no edge wear on those)

    The simplest thing to stay consistent is imagining a single lightsource perfectly over the character. Paint top facing surfaces lighter, and gradually darker the more the angle changes. For the hands, the backhand should be the lightest, same for the feet, and the sides should be a bunch darker to give better sense of dimension.
    Also the bottom of the feet are 100% black which is never good, always avoid 100% white or black, else light cant affect it. It looks strange anyways, and will not blend too good with your ground.

    On a side note, for gameplay , hands could probably be bigger, and would bring is proportions in better balance I guess, but again I dont know what he is intended to do.
    The character itself looks enjoyable.
  • Howl
    Awesome progress. Love the palette and the pushed character design. I agree with Shrike that you push the proportions even further, especially if he's going to be seen on a mobile device. Giant hands and heads do wonders.

    In terms of actually rigging the character, I ran into a similar problem working on the hinge joints of a robot character.

    If you think about a humanoid elbow, its a ball joint capable of twisting a lot of ways but can only really bend along one axis:


    Since the robot has a hinge joint in the elbow that cant twist, it needs to be aligned to bend along the correct axis. It shows in the sculpt that theres already a clipping issue when bending the elbow:


    I'd suggest placing the angle the other way so that the elbow can bend properly along the hinge:


    Simply put the elbow hinge should be facing outwards, towards the front of the character.
  • low_seb
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    low_seb polycounter lvl 13
    thanks a lots for the feedBack

    @Shrike , very nice advices , I bake a occlusion on my low poly and its better .
    the biggest issue here its my unwarp ,all the hinge share the same uv

    @Howl ,absolutely right ,an done

    a litte update ,a little more badass?

    and the supposed view ingame
  • sargentcrunch
  • Howl
    Great progress! Good idea including an in-game-like shot.

    I have to agree with Shrike that the values of the ankle hinge is really throwing off the values, especially from the top down view. The character really loses a sense of depth. It may be worth redoing the UVs for this. Finally, while the cigar is awesome, I'm not sure how it will end up looking on a mobile device at only 1 or 2 pixels wide.

    Keep em coming!
  • low_seb
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    low_seb polycounter lvl 13

    my last progress , I am more focus now on the environnemet ,come back later on the character
    this is very wip , 2 differents set of environnement ,1024 maps ,I work with different tiles included in a big sheet

    ingame shot


    thanks for your precious advices
  • kremrhi
    I like your style, but for your second screenshot (the yellow one) it lack readability, and it's too saturated, It's really agressive for the eyes.
  • low_seb
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    low_seb polycounter lvl 13
    @kremrhi , yes its way too saturated, want to agressive color but its too much ,it still very wip

    want to share some early concept

    some enemy

    and I forgot to post concept for the player character (non deviant color)
  • DougClayton4231
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    DougClayton4231 polycounter lvl 3
    I love the cute characters! Keep it up!
  • BradMyers82
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    BradMyers82 interpolator
    Character design does look great! I'm wondering why you bother with the highpoly tho. Seems like it would be more time effective to just make the low poly and paint on that, especially since round shapes won't bake very well.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Your texture seems to be rather blurry for a 512 at that size. Got an unwrap?
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