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how to make your site a .pdf or viewable offline

Sorry for asking most likely a noobish queston but I haven't got a lot of time to be learning/searching myself for an answer to this question.

I have recently submitted my portfolio to several studios and a couple are saying they cant access it as their firewalls are blocking it.

They have asked for .pdf versions of my site.

I know I can save each page as a .pdf but that will crush the many hours I spent making the site into a pulp of adobe reader mess.

Is there a way, to save a whole working website so that you can view it offline? Or, is there a way to make a .pdf that closely simulates the original site? I'd like tall the links to work so its basically the same as the website.

Any help here will be extremely useful

Thanks again



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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Well if you are trying to get hired as game artist then why does it matter what your website looks like? As long as its not super ugly and horrible to navigate it doesn't really matter what your website looks like. It shouldn't matter if someone views your work in a PDF format or on your webpage in all honesty. Just take all your pictures and put them into a PDF with the proper resolution, and label everything that needs to be labeled, and create page breaks for different projects. I think you are over thinking it to be honest because they are not going to hire you because of your web designer skills, they will hire you because of your art work.
  • trebor777
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    trebor777 polycounter lvl 10
    Just print and select "PDF printer". this will save the website as a pdf
  • gartht3d
    Cheers guys. I just spent a whole ton of hours on the site that's all. I know it shouldn't matter to them but to me, it's just a grim feeling of wasted hours:P

  • nufftalon
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    nufftalon polycounter lvl 13
    there are free chrome plugins that will allow you to convert the webpage to a pdf. I use it often to take tutorials from forums and save them as pdf
  • Jason Young
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    Jason Young polycounter lvl 16
    In chrome, I can right click and save as and choose webpage, complete. It saves out everything and I can open it in a browser like usual. I imagine other browsers have something similar.

    It won't give them a pdf, but they could view it as intended.
  • MethodJ
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    MethodJ polycounter lvl 4
    If you have to make a PDF, I would just do a new custom thing. Lay it out in photoshop or something. Just your images with simple text. Trying to print a website would be a mess.

    If your site is blocked, you might consider putting up a mirror on a free hosting service somewhere. That might get around firewall blocks. Or maybe just email them some JPEGs!
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