Hey guys, i'm doing a course in the UK and i am in my final year. I have decided to do a complete facial and body rig for a character. I was told not to model a character because my main focus should be on creating a rig. So, as advised i started my search on the internet. The problem i kept running into and still am is the mesh's found were all triangulated and are not quad based.
1. I was hoping if anyone can advise me to website's that have character mesh's that are not triangulated.
2. If any one is generous enough to let me use a character model ready for animation, which i can use solely for my Final Year Project. I would really be grateful, and the person would be mentioned in my dissertation. Also that person would have a close up look at the project from start to finish.
Thank you for reading, and i would really be grateful for the help
Please contact me on polycount
In 3DS Max you would do this with the graphite modeling tools, and hitting "Quadrify all" under the "Geometry" tab.
The results aren't always perfect, and I'm not sure how it treats UV's, but it should work.
You could also get a Cinema 4D Studio or something trial and use those characters, those are textured and everything. I think 3DS has example characters aswell if you search the example scenes.