so ive been using 3ds max for quite some time now..for lowpoly stuff but recently i started to make over 4k poly models and uv maping and unwraping over 4k models is not so my question is..what tool should i use for a better and fast uv map?
3d coat
3d unfold
others?(wich ones)
You might be missing some key concepts like:
-Hotkeys for common operations (have to set them up yourself, default ones suck)
-Always turn off "normalize" when unwrapping to keep consistent scale
-Use instanced UVW Unwrap modifiers to unwrap different objects together
-Get texttools, mainly for the Align to Edge, Crop and Smoothing Groups from UV features.
-Use Relax By Face Angles and Peel map for excellent relaxing
-Use "make Rectangular" to well, make a selection straight
-Use "Strip" unwrapping to single-click unwrap pipe or spline like objects
-Use stitch to quickly connect islands.
you can see all of that stuff on video in my Eat3D Dozer pt2 DVD btw.
This. It's awesome for organic models.
It might be a bit confusing to use at first considering the UI is pretty minimal, but just watch a 10 - 20 minutes youtube video on it and you'll never turn back!
Textools works in 2012!
Many people will also swear by headus.
Edit* nm somebody already pointed it out
Using textools in both 2013 and 2014, whats not working?
:thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
No matter how fast you can be in Max, UVLayout is so much faster when you learn the hotkeys.
I thought I was fast in Max until I learned UVLayout.
I unwrap, relax, and straighten in UVLayout, then I pack in Max. I mirror and overlap uvs and Max has the best control for manual packing.
I might have to give UVLayout a go though it would seem.
But yeah 3D Coat is super fast, insanely fast, it doesn't have some of the finer tweaking tools like Max/Maya but it's ease of use and speed is just to good... Compliment it with another program for small tweaks.
if i have like 2 arms..wich are identical bouth front side and back and left and right there an tool or option that will get them all in on uv ?instead of having like 2 arms but separated uv
I like the vertex and grid snapping in Max.
I use chugnuts (unwrap tools) in Max. I really like their displacement tools and being able to center several uv islands on top of each other using the UV Tile Tools. Soft selection in Max's uv editor is also nice when I need only certain parts of the uvs to be squashed.
I just feel more accurate in Max when I'm nudging islands around by mere pixels.
Before I export to UVLayout, I delete the parts of the mesh that are mirrored and have identical uvs. This saves time when it comes to unwrapping them.
After I pack everything, I just mirror the geo over so it will have the exact same uvs as the rest.
Simple, no bells and whistles or bloat.