!!!!!!! So excited! Just finished my fist concept art down below . Please critique it as much as you want as I am looking to further improve my skills before college .
It's pretty good for your first piece of concept art. If I had to give any critique, it would be this:
I'm seeing some sections that look like you've used a lot of strokes on them. In the future, try defining your forms in as few strokes as possible. Not only will developing stroke efficiency save you time, you'll also learn to think critically about the form you are trying to portray.
Additionally, your values seem to be hovering around the mid-to-high range. Normally, you'd probably want some darker values. As a general rule of thumb, save your higher/lighter values for areas of interest. However I'm not gonna tell you that's a bad thing that your values hover around the mid-to-high range, as I've seen some artists pull it off, but it is a trick that requires an intimate understanding of how color works. The trick itself involves putting a color in close proximity to other colors that don't make the original color look like, well, the original color. Colors lie! There are situations in which the blue you think you see is actually a desaturated yellow. At such an early stage in learning to paint, I wholeheartedly suggest just screwing around with random colors and making notes on the kinds of effects they have on each other. Eventually, you'll wind up with your preferred palette. The best thing about being aware of your color preferences is that if you ever want to do something wildly different, you have a concrete thing to avoid.
Finally, I'm noticing a little jank in the perspective on the fence. It's relatively minor, and after a while, perspective drawing will become second nature.
Sorry I have been gone for so long but I had school that I have been needing to worry about and learning how to use maya on top of that...haven't had a lot of time for drawing .
Anyways, just finished a texture that I plan on using and wanted some opinions, thanks!
I would also like to say that if anyone happens to use this...assuming it is good enough , please refer my name in your works.
I'm seeing some sections that look like you've used a lot of strokes on them. In the future, try defining your forms in as few strokes as possible. Not only will developing stroke efficiency save you time, you'll also learn to think critically about the form you are trying to portray.
Additionally, your values seem to be hovering around the mid-to-high range. Normally, you'd probably want some darker values. As a general rule of thumb, save your higher/lighter values for areas of interest. However I'm not gonna tell you that's a bad thing that your values hover around the mid-to-high range, as I've seen some artists pull it off, but it is a trick that requires an intimate understanding of how color works. The trick itself involves putting a color in close proximity to other colors that don't make the original color look like, well, the original color. Colors lie! There are situations in which the blue you think you see is actually a desaturated yellow. At such an early stage in learning to paint, I wholeheartedly suggest just screwing around with random colors and making notes on the kinds of effects they have on each other. Eventually, you'll wind up with your preferred palette. The best thing about being aware of your color preferences is that if you ever want to do something wildly different, you have a concrete thing to avoid.
Finally, I'm noticing a little jank in the perspective on the fence. It's relatively minor, and after a while, perspective drawing will become second nature.
Anyways, just finished a texture that I plan on using and wanted some opinions, thanks!
I would also like to say that if anyone happens to use this...assuming it is good enough