I've been browsing this forum for awhile, mostly just lurking and occasionally poking my head into a forum. I wanted to ask, am I the only one here using Blender? If others are.. they don't make it very obvious!
I haven't looked into much others due to lack of funds to pick them up long term, but I am starting to wonder if I should join in on the 3dsmax group because it seems a lot more standard in the industry, along with it being easier to incorporate in a pipeline (IE GoZ, Blenders alternative doesn't work on my pc for some reason)
So I guess I am kind of wondering, What programs do you use and why did you choose them?
I am using blender, because it is free has plenty updates and suits me well, also I have used 3ds max before.
It's not the program that makes you a good artist, but having some knowledge of 3ds max or maya can help you in the long run
Also think this thread should be in general discussion.