This Thread is to help me get a better understanding of Hand Painting & Tiled Textures.
I have no problem making realistic textures with Diffuse, Normal & Specular but I find it much harder creating Flat lit details such as seen in the
Show your Hand Painted stuff Thread OR any iOS/ Android Game.
Any Input, Videos, Tutorials on the Subject would be great!
I'll be posting any work I do as I go.

Stone Brick
Brick Wall
Stone Wall

Check these links too:
And finally, take a look at Dota Texturing guide:
@JR Yeah I have had Vertex for a while, but didn't read much on it. I'll pull it aside and read through it.
Thanks for the Tutorial Link! Also I've already read through the DOTA 2 Art guide.
still unsure about which method to use Sculpting (to a plane & Baking AO) & By Hand in Photoshop. or perhaps both?
I have been playing with it recently, although more for realistic texturing (I'm using photos instead of colors). But use color layers and bit of painting and you will get stylized results.
I personally like gradient (important for variations), Sketch mat caps (trial and error, I usually pick 2 or 3 for overlays), and some neutral white mat cap for shadows.
And of course stanrd ones like displacement and normal map.
You can use Displ and gradient maps to generate normal from them, using ndo, or other normal map generator, and from them AO, cavity or displacment map (especially using ndo, you can get interesting results from gradient -> normal -> ndo displacement).
AFAIR that how it was done for WoW. There was thread floating around, where person who make textures explained that most of the work was done in zbrush (;.
Here is one way of baking mat caps (you can skip to about half of video). You can also use matcap baker plugin:!-unofficial-Information-Installation
Although I personally haven't really figured it out whether it is more efficient or not.
For organic models, you can use UV master to create UVs, for more hard surface I would recommend created UVs in external app, importing model, and copying UVs to your original mesh.
That's done using the process similar to above. In that case I used 2.5 view port to place bricks and capture various maps, and the composite them in PS with some photos.
It took me about 30 mins from start to finish. I just wanted to check if I can make convincing stone blocks with very little to zero spacing between them.
The same process could be applied to pretty much anything that can be represented on UV map.
I don't see it working on very low-poly organic objects (that have a lot of hard-edges), as the normal map generated by zbrush simply won't look good, or on hard surface objects that have no chamfers of edges, for the very same reason. Although I can be wrong here. I'm by no means zbrush expert.
Otherwise pretty much anything can be baked with matcaps and composited.
I start with this photo ref of pants:
Then I use that base to hand paint the Borderlands-style lines:
And I end up with this:
I made a tutorial for my process, this painting style was pretty fun. The tutorial goes more in depth, you can find it here - Borderlands texture tutorial.
Hope this helps!
I know its not very good but I'll be doing more in the future so they should get better!
I don't want to spend days on each one. I believe the more I do the better I will become & the faster I'll become.
It's her approach. Her vision of a wall. If I do a wall painting, will be diferent of hers, it will be my interpretation, my style of brush strokes, my colors. This make things unique.
Hope this make some sense for you. Good luck on next attempts!
Moving on!
One more thing try not to use black for shadowing, even around black tiles..
Used: Zbrush & Photoshop
never can have enough hand painted stuff on polycount