I'm currently a student learning how to 3D model/texture for video games. I'm new to polycount, so I figured it's about time I uploaded something. Here's a low poly set of buildings I've been working on from reference. It's still a work in progress, but by the time it's done I hope to have it textured with normal and spec maps applied. I'm an artist, so any criticism is welcome. In order to get better I need to know what I can fix.

Current Low Poly:
Would be nice to see some wireframes.
Also how you plan to make the "post wires"?
Its a nice scene, it could definetly blend into a GTA game ^^
What will be your next step ? Atlasing textures and texturing ?
Edit : one minor thing that i would replace by actual geo is the railings where i guess you are planing to put alpha textures. Imo its better to use vertexes than opacity textures on 2 sided planes, like some lightstick and the
And some cylinder loop reducing in tiny objects
@snake85027, thank you! Texturing is fairly new to me, but I'm excited to tackle this project
@Fabio, yes, if you follow -Em'-'s link it will show you the wireframe function. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do about the telephone pole wires just yet, but I guess I'll have to figure it out soon. Also, thanks for the feedback
@-Em'-, I 100% agree with your tip. This is a technically a current project in school that I'm getting a grade for, and we were given a poly limit for the buildings and the things attached to the buildings (not including the sidewalk and things on the sidewalk), and being my first set if buildings I tried fitting most of my detail near the bottom where the character would most likely see. But I understand what you're talking about and can possible be able to add it in there seeing as I have a few thousand left on my poly limit and still gave room for optimization on the smaller objects you hinted me towards. Thanks for your observations, I very much appreciate it.
The next step will be to UV the low poly buildings, make a few high poly floaters to bake onto the low poly mesh, then after that get my normal, AO, and cavity maps together to start texturing. Like I said earlier in this post to snake85027, I'm new to texturing so I'm trying not to get too overwhelmed with all the stuff in the scene, but I know if I play my cards right and put the time into it I can come up with something decent.
@WarrenM, thanks! I really appreciate the feedback!
You should try Ndo2 (unless you school assignment specify you to bake stuff), very easy to generate normalmaps and generate Ao from it. Combined with normalmaps generated from texture and i bet you're scene will be a killing ^^