Hello Polycount,
I usually just browse but every once in a while I do post something. It has been quite some time since I last posted and this time I am seeking a helpful review of my portfolio website. I have already read the common portfolio pet peeve list and as such I know that I will hit on one that some people find troubling and that is blogspot. Any help you can lend will be great. Thank you!
Also make sure to have sufficient breakdowns of everything, like making sure to include wireframe shots, and examples of your maps. For example on the 'Sheldon - Alpha' model you mention "I used a total of 8 maps to include Diffuse, Bump, Gloss, Specular Level, Opacity, Reflection based on uvs, Reflection based on spherical environment, and a Reflection mix map to get the over all effect." but there's no examples of them there for anyone to see.