First time working with an FK/IK switch, so I could have easily missed something. When setting up the set-driven key, I am having trouble with one particular joint "popping" after I attempt to change it's value for the switch. This occurs only on the right hand joint when I try to change the value of the "Hand IK RW1." The rest of the set-up works fine, including the left arm.

Then try to change the value...

I'm running out of ideas on how to fix this without redoing the whole skeleton for the left arm. As far as I can see, all the pivots of the base, IK, and FK skeletons line up. I know there is an issue regarding orientation somewhere in the wrist rig, but I just don't know where to look for it.
Have any of you guys run into this problem? If so, how did you fix it?
Ooooohhhh! I see! That makes things so much simpler.
I just did that and it works perfectly now. Thank you so much!
See, that's what I thought the problem was before, but when I checked the skeletons, everything was matched up as far as I could tell. That's why I was so confused. However, I did find an extra orient constraint on the right wrist which didn't need to be there, so I am wondering if that might of been the culprit.
I am going to double-check the skeletons before proceeding though, just to be safe.