Just finished up this Rhino character + enviro piece. A couple days a week over two months. ZBrush, 3dsMax, Photoshop and rendered in UDK.
Crits+Comments welcome.
UPDATED: lighting on face
And a short video of the UDK scene.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2OVM0DAtxeg"]UDK - Rhino - YouTube[/ame]
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3r2T7xU9Kw"]Zbrush #6 - Rhino - Texture Timelapse - YouTube[/ame]
for the sketchdogs
Yeah got some more feedback on that too. Turns out it was a lighting issue on the face. Updated!
The only crit I'd make is that the entire scene looks like it has too much noise in the textures.
@DougClayton4231 Yeah, the original concept by fightpunch is awesome. I just needed to tweak it to fit in the enviro.
@TorQue[MoD] Agree, noise was the main issue I had in the whole thing. I was going for a grimy look but It did turn out a bit too strong in the end. Main positive is I now know what not to do next time!
I also think having the tail poking out of the back would add some personality, but I'm not sure how that would work with the armored suit.
Not sure about the tail though, don't think it would fit.
@pixelpatron I was actually thinking about that when I started, but I just decided to follow the original concept a bit more. Considering the human-ish posture/hands etc..