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Detail Prop and VBSP Exporter

polycounter lvl 14
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shawnolson polycounter lvl 14
I've built a new scripted plugin for 3ds Max to create prop_details for the Source Game Engine: Detailer.

It allows you to create detail prop primitives that you can tie to detailtypes and groups that will export as a VBSP file. Also, the latest version of Wall Worm's VMF exporter will export these props directly as prop_detail_sprite --meaning you can control exactly how the details appear in the scene.


The link above has the current documentation on using the tools. I haven't finished the docs nor made videos for it directly yet.

Below is a helper video to demonstrate making sprite cards in 3ds Max, which are necessary to successfully use the Detailer plugin. More videos on using the detail plugin itself will come soon.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3SJ2CkbcPk"]Sprite Card Tutorial - YouTube[/ame]


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