I've built a new
scripted plugin for 3ds Max to create prop_details for the Source Game Engine: Detailer.
It allows you to create detail prop primitives that you can tie to detailtypes and groups that will export as a VBSP file. Also, the latest version of Wall Worm's VMF exporter will export these props directly as prop_detail_sprite --meaning you can control exactly how the details appear in the scene.

The link above has the current documentation on using the tools. I haven't finished the docs nor made videos for it directly yet.
Below is a helper video to demonstrate making sprite cards in 3ds Max, which are necessary to successfully use the Detailer plugin. More videos on using the detail plugin itself will come soon.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3SJ2CkbcPk"]Sprite Card Tutorial - YouTube[/ame]