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interior room re-post

this is my term project for my first 3d modeling class.

what do you girls/guys think?
any suggestions to add or improve?




  • AgelosAp
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    AgelosAp polycounter
    The clay render looks better than the beauty I think,
    main reason being that you have a very high specularity for the wall/floor.
    Even if it is such a wet place for some reason you should tone it down and
    add variation to it with specular maps,
    big areas that have this wet feeling and others that don't.
    Other stuff:
    - the shot you have chosen is not flattering to anything, it seems like you want to showcase all the models in one picture, maybe you should chose an asset you 've spent more time on and bring it forward and make a more engaging composition.
    - I barely understand where your light sources are, the objects producing light don't show it.
    - There is a huge shadow on the back of the bed that doesn't make sense.

    Hope this isn't too much :P , if this is your first year I can tell you I did a far worse project on mine, so no worries you 'll get there.
  • michael_fleming
    thanks for your feedback,
    1. i think you're right about just focusing on one object, the generator took the most time.

    2.the lighting is from the 2 lava lamps in the scene, tried to give it a dark feeling and make it interesting. i'll try to make the lights bounce off the objects.

    yea, i just started to do 3d modeling back in august. thanks again.
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