Hey guys, I'm Toby and I'm working on an entry in to the Blizzard Student Art Contest - WOO! I'm making this thread to keep a track of the progress and hopefully get some feedback from all of you badasses.
Here's what I've started roughing in so far. I'd really like to a Booty Bay-esque harbour town of some kind. I imagine this to be set on the coast with the village being built on the sides of cliffs of a river. Entries from the previous years have been dioramas but I'd really like to get the sense of village life in there. Borrowed some temporary trees from UDK for placement.
Reference Boards:
There are some awesome floating villages around thailand and indonesia which I'll be referencing. Really love how they build around water like that.

For in-game reference I'll be using lots of Booty Bay and Yojamba Isle which is that little troll island in north west Stranglethorn which I've always thought was really cool!

My main suggestion would be to make sure it has an obvious theme running through it. Have a look over some background lore and find something that jumps out at you as being interesting and then go for it!
Yeah that's really good advice! Think I need to pull it back a little or at least figure out a way to reuse a lot of stuff without it being apparent.
TazN here's the link http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11685564