I want to invest in a motion capture system. Not more than 5k. I don't really know what these things cost or what to expect. What products should I be looking at? Can I get something usable for a commercial game at that price range?
We use ipi Soft at work, its not prefect but you can get some really good results. But you do need to realize that it's a depth sensor, one that is generating a point cloud and then trying to figure out where your joints are. If you cross your arms on your chest the cloud becomes a big fused nightmare and it can't figure out what arm is doing what. If you only have one sensor then anything that falls in your "shadow" it won't see.
You can get around this by stetting up a second sensor and it helps fill in the shadow area where the single sensor just can't see. It makes it possible to turn around without having it lose track of your arms or your leg.
It also takes a while to calibrate, record and process the video and it doesn't always work the first time around but the more you work with it the better you get at working around its quirks.
It has some minor clean up and retargeting features but you really should use Motion Builder to get the ipisoft motion onto your rig.
If you have Maya I suggest taking advantage of HumanIK's re-targeting systems, it's like motion builder stuffed into Maya. It's good for cleaning up mocap but not so great to use as an animation rig.
If you have 3dsmax, biped and CAT make dumping animation onto your rig fairly painless and both have some pretty decent mocap clean up tools. But if you aren't using those two
For facial motion capture I REALLY like Faceshift. Their stand alone app is great but as stand alone apps go you're exporting and importing out of your actual animation package which is a bit of a pain.
Luckily their Maya plug-in rocks and gives you all of the advantages of the stand alone app right inside of Maya. The beauty is that it's markerless, uses a kinect or kinect like sensor (go with primsense's camera) and you can use any kind of rig, bones, blendshapes, a convoluted system of controllers it doesn't really matter. It has a series of shapes that it expects your rig to make and you tell it what controls what to make those shapes.
Mark, have you tried ipi with multiple playstation eyes rather than one or two kinects? The results the guys working on Satellite Reign are getting seem too good to be true.
Did anyone ever try opti-track? It was the only site I saw with prices. Looks like it will cost more like 15k and up but I suppose I have some flexibility on the budget if it gets better quality.
I have worked with Qualisys motion capture system. It was an optical system with 8 cams, capable of recording 3 actors at once (we didn't have more suits to play with). I have only good things to say about their system, software and support.
From what I have heard, OptiTrack lacks in technical specs compared to other systems, but are an more affordable choice. But then again, those are only rumors.
I wouldn't waste my moneys on markerless system. Believe me, even the one with markers got enough to do with cleaning the mocap data. Depends on the complexity of the movements, number of actors and interactions with props - ofc.
These are just my thoughts. I don't know if this helps you or not, I just thought that I'd share some experiences about it. Excuse my poor english.
I have worked with Qualisys motion capture system. It was an optical system with 8 cams, capable of recording 3 actors at once (we didn't have more suits to play with). I have only good things to say about their system, software and support.
From what I have heard, OptiTrack lacks in technical specs compared to other systems, but are an more affordable choice. But then again, those are only rumors.
I wouldn't waste my moneys on markerless system. Believe me, even the one with markers got enough to do with cleaning the mocap data. Depends on the complexity of the movements, number of actors and interactions with props - ofc.
These are just my thoughts. I don't know if this helps you or not, I just thought that I'd share some experiences about it. Excuse my poor english.
I have worked with Qualisys motion capture system. It was an optical system with 8 cams, capable of recording 3 actors at once (we didn't have more suits to play with). I have only good things to say about their system, software and support.
From what I have heard, OptiTrack lacks in technical specs compared to other systems, but are an more affordable choice. But then again, those are only rumors.
I wouldn't waste my moneys on markerless system. Believe me, even the one with markers got enough to do with cleaning the mocap data. Depends on the complexity of the movements, number of actors and interactions with props - ofc.
These are just my thoughts. I don't know if this helps you or not, I just thought that I'd share some experiences about it. Excuse my poor english.
Is it possible to tell me what game and char's you used Qualsys on? And do you know which camera's you were using. It seems like the camera's are about the most expensive component of the system, and Qualsys is offering a bunch of options.
Obviously was one of the more budget priced setups.. 8 cameras, all the neccesary hardware, and the software for both face and body mocap....I think everything we needed, including a suit and face markers...was somewhere between 10 - 13 grand.
For that specific setup, cameras are fairly low res, so the capture space ends up not being super large...something like 10ft x 10ft...would need more, or better cameras to open the space up. Also, if you have less than 12 cameras, you are limited to only 1 acter at a time.
Was pretty easy to learn...Having had no prior experience with mocap, me and 2 other people got the thing set up and were doing body captures by the end of the first day we got it.
I am also interested in this.I am torn between getting a Kinect or playstation eye for mocap. Though some ppl are saying the Kinect 2 is way more powerful than the ps4 cameras but with the Kinect cameras built into the xbox one that means u need to purchase 2 xbox ones in order to use it and from what I have watched on youtube the Kinect ones seems to be kinda jerky.
That link in the second post demonstrates how good ps3 eye is and the results are good but I wonder if the ps4 cameras are meant for motion capture or would even give good results.
I like where this technology is going. Very soon, we would be using motion capture in our very rooms and it would be cost-efficient.
The kinect2 isn't that much better than the kinect. Most of its improvements came in the form of a resolution bump, mostly for the color Chanel which I think isn't used in depth sensing and going from 15fps to 30fps.
If they ever release the Kinect2 for PC then you will see people start to use it but no one is going to run out and by a xbox one just for the kinect2 sensor. Especially when there are other 3D/depth sensor cameras that are much better and cheaper.
There are better and cheaper 3d /depth sensors cameras out there?I didn't know that. I always thought the xbox and ps3 cameras were the only affordable cameras that one could use at home for motion capture.
Could u recommend any brand u know of that would give very good results?I did gather that Microsoft intends to release Kinect 2.0 for PC next year but if there are way more powerful and cheaper sensors out there currently, thats awesome.
Gaming hardware (especially consoles) is a lot like military hardware, it sounds impressive but it's built by the lowest bidder...
PrimeSense (the Israeli company that made the kinect for MS) kept developing sensors after they sold the kinect to MS. They have two cameras that trump both the kinect and Kinect2. One is for close range and the other is for longer ranges.
But since Apple recently bought them I don't think you can get them directly from them anymore? Still probably available elsewhere.
ASUS also has a decent 3D sensor "Xtion" and it's just as cheap as the kinect and also fully powered through USB, the kinect is not, it requires a separate power source, which is annoying.
A lot of work is being done right now to make 3D sensors mobile, which is probably why Apple bought PrimeSense, either that or to take a crutch out from under MS.
I just goggled PrimeSense and it turns out they have ceased order for the sensors like u said. Gah...not fair.I am just hoping there are some pc stores that may have some in stock.
I will look into the xtion sensors as well.
I recall that Kinect could not track fingers and heads so I am wondering if the PrimeSense or Xtion can also track fingers and head movements?I wanted to ask if u have tried the two and which one gives better results or they are about the same?
I have purchased the asus xtion pro sensor.I bought one just to try it out.I am wondering how I can go about doing mocap.I think there is a software I am supposed to use to track the movements.I think this 3d sensor might not support hand and fingers tracking but its fine as those can be animated.Can anyone tell me how I can set this up?
By the way,does anyone know how much motionbuilder 2014 is?There isn't a price on autodesk website.
The xtion is supported by iPisoft's motion capture studio. You're right it won't do hands or fingers, very few motion capture systems do. http://ipisoft.com/
How's mobu 2014? 2013 was broken as hell, had to revert back to 2012. Try 2014 first and see if it works fine, 2012 should be cheaper and more stable/ less buggy
Its free too.I am wondering if it does the same as IpiSoft Mocap Studio.I also recall Microsoft's kinect 2.0 can track fingers and head movements but its kinda shaky.
I just checked Motionbuilder's price.Its about $3000 plus.That is kinda steep!!
I might have to look into using Blender for mocap stuff.Maya Lt looks cool but u can't set driven keys,does not support bvh files.Does Maya Lt support vertex animation without blendshapes?
I think, the difference between Ipisoft and recording Kinect motions streamed into Mobu is, that the latter uses the realtime motion provided by the SDK, while Ipisoft has its own solver, which doesnt work in realtime, but the results are much cleaner from my short experience
So ipisoft gives better results than Motionbuilder?Thats really cool to know,for an app thats like $3000,they really need to up their app but I am guessing because its realtime thats why there are drawbacks.
MotionBuilder has a lot better tools for working with motion capture once you get it captured. I wasn't able to get motionbuilder setup and working without markers.
iPisoft is budget-ware and it's markerless, so it does a "decent" job of capturing but can't really be used for clean up or blending, the tools just aren't there like they are in motion builder. But for budget-ware that is markerless, iPisoft probably the best out there. That doesn't mean its the best mocap system ever, its just the best if you're on a budget and want to shoot without markers.
The software used is ipi mocap studio.
Now that's what I call innovation
You can get around this by stetting up a second sensor and it helps fill in the shadow area where the single sensor just can't see. It makes it possible to turn around without having it lose track of your arms or your leg.
It also takes a while to calibrate, record and process the video and it doesn't always work the first time around but the more you work with it the better you get at working around its quirks.
It has some minor clean up and retargeting features but you really should use Motion Builder to get the ipisoft motion onto your rig.
If you have Maya I suggest taking advantage of HumanIK's re-targeting systems, it's like motion builder stuffed into Maya. It's good for cleaning up mocap but not so great to use as an animation rig.
If you have 3dsmax, biped and CAT make dumping animation onto your rig fairly painless and both have some pretty decent mocap clean up tools. But if you aren't using those two
For facial motion capture I REALLY like Faceshift. Their stand alone app is great but as stand alone apps go you're exporting and importing out of your actual animation package which is a bit of a pain.
Luckily their Maya plug-in rocks and gives you all of the advantages of the stand alone app right inside of Maya. The beauty is that it's markerless, uses a kinect or kinect like sensor (go with primsense's camera) and you can use any kind of rig, bones, blendshapes, a convoluted system of controllers it doesn't really matter. It has a series of shapes that it expects your rig to make and you tell it what controls what to make those shapes.
From what I have heard, OptiTrack lacks in technical specs compared to other systems, but are an more affordable choice. But then again, those are only rumors.
I wouldn't waste my moneys on markerless system. Believe me, even the one with markers got enough to do with cleaning the mocap data. Depends on the complexity of the movements, number of actors and interactions with props - ofc.
These are just my thoughts. I don't know if this helps you or not, I just thought that I'd share some experiences about it. Excuse my poor english.
Thank you. This is helpful
Is it possible to tell me what game and char's you used Qualsys on? And do you know which camera's you were using. It seems like the camera's are about the most expensive component of the system, and Qualsys is offering a bunch of options.
Obviously was one of the more budget priced setups.. 8 cameras, all the neccesary hardware, and the software for both face and body mocap....I think everything we needed, including a suit and face markers...was somewhere between 10 - 13 grand.
For that specific setup, cameras are fairly low res, so the capture space ends up not being super large...something like 10ft x 10ft...would need more, or better cameras to open the space up. Also, if you have less than 12 cameras, you are limited to only 1 acter at a time.
Was pretty easy to learn...Having had no prior experience with mocap, me and 2 other people got the thing set up and were doing body captures by the end of the first day we got it.
That link in the second post demonstrates how good ps3 eye is and the results are good but I wonder if the ps4 cameras are meant for motion capture or would even give good results.
I like where this technology is going. Very soon, we would be using motion capture in our very rooms and it would be cost-efficient.
If they ever release the Kinect2 for PC then you will see people start to use it but no one is going to run out and by a xbox one just for the kinect2 sensor. Especially when there are other 3D/depth sensor cameras that are much better and cheaper.
Could u recommend any brand u know of that would give very good results?I did gather that Microsoft intends to release Kinect 2.0 for PC next year but if there are way more powerful and cheaper sensors out there currently, thats awesome.
PrimeSense (the Israeli company that made the kinect for MS) kept developing sensors after they sold the kinect to MS. They have two cameras that trump both the kinect and Kinect2. One is for close range and the other is for longer ranges.
But since Apple recently bought them I don't think you can get them directly from them anymore? Still probably available elsewhere.
ASUS also has a decent 3D sensor "Xtion" and it's just as cheap as the kinect and also fully powered through USB, the kinect is not, it requires a separate power source, which is annoying.
A lot of work is being done right now to make 3D sensors mobile, which is probably why Apple bought PrimeSense, either that or to take a crutch out from under MS.
I just goggled PrimeSense and it turns out they have ceased order for the sensors like u said. Gah...not fair.I am just hoping there are some pc stores that may have some in stock.
I will look into the xtion sensors as well.
I recall that Kinect could not track fingers and heads so I am wondering if the PrimeSense or Xtion can also track fingers and head movements?I wanted to ask if u have tried the two and which one gives better results or they are about the same?
By the way,does anyone know how much motionbuilder 2014 is?There isn't a price on autodesk website.
As for buying motion builder, you can't buy directly from Autodesk you have to find a reseller near you and find out what they charge.
Its free too.I am wondering if it does the same as IpiSoft Mocap Studio.I also recall Microsoft's kinect 2.0 can track fingers and head movements but its kinda shaky.
I just checked Motionbuilder's price.Its about $3000 plus.That is kinda steep!!
I might have to look into using Blender for mocap stuff.Maya Lt looks cool but u can't set driven keys,does not support bvh files.Does Maya Lt support vertex animation without blendshapes?
iPisoft is budget-ware and it's markerless, so it does a "decent" job of capturing but can't really be used for clean up or blending, the tools just aren't there like they are in motion builder. But for budget-ware that is markerless, iPisoft probably the best out there. That doesn't mean its the best mocap system ever, its just the best if you're on a budget and want to shoot without markers.
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