Just wondering, should I have detached my model into separate objects for skinning? Or have I just made things needlessly more difficult?
Ive split it up into head, helmet, body, l/r hand, l/r legs etc as seen below. This is all new to me so just wondering what the standard operation procedure here is.

If it separated just remember to had the skinning to all the pieces at the same time. You can Paste Instanced later if you forgot.
And take care with the seamed vertices they should have the same weight, if they don't there could be holes when animating.
Cheers man.
What the?! How did this comment get posted ahead of the one before it? Could you elaborate a bit when you say the model will have holes when animated - holes dosnt sound good.
If you don't need to change parts on the model it's easier and faster to rigg/skin it as one mesh, also saves some drawcalls in the game later.
P.S. sorry for my bad english, hope you could at least understand a little bit of it