Hello everyone! This is my first post here (although I'm always reading other posts :P)
I'm an animation student (although I wanna work in video games but there aren't any related careers here) and my partner and I are working on our thesis, which is of course an animated short.
So I wanted to ask for feedback on a very specific subject: my SSS shader.
We've got quite some limited resourses (for example we have just our two pcs to render the whole thing), so you'll notice stuff like we're using normal maps instead of displacements, etc.
The original idea was to take as reference Pixar or Dreamworks movies but without such a perfect skin.
So far, I have a vray fastsss2 material, with some maps that aren't the final ones, and I've run into a problem: I've got no idea of what to do with the specularity.
Because I look at my reference material (mostly Tangled and Rise of the Guardians) and there does not seem to be specularity at all. Not the little glossy highlights typical of a realistic skin nor something less glossy where you can't see the pores. And I look at my material and I know there's something wrong, but I can't define what it is. I've already tried a blend material with a vraymtl just for the specular but I don't know what to do with it. So basically I'm stuck.
All that being said I'd appreciate a lot any feedback you've got

P.S.: Please ignore the lack of hair or any other material