I have an issue with my textures within the CryEngine, I have followed tutorials for the correct way to import assets into the CryEngine, I never really had a problem in the past. Until I tried importing my building facade today it's a modular piece that I created in 3ds max. All the textures I have converted to CryTiff prior to import in Photoshop. The textures end up looking like this which I assume is some sort of default CryEngine texture:

Before I imported my building facade I decided just to check the model in Marmoset Toolbag, this is how my building fascade is meant to look like in the CryEngine, it's still a work in progress:

I also must say that before exporting my texture from 3Ds Max w/ the CryEngine exporter, I made sure that my material was multi-sub object and that is was a crytek shader and that the properties was set to physicalize default in 3Ds Max. My exported 3ds file, .cgf file MAT file, and all textures converted CRYTif textures are in the correct level path of the CryEngine.
Please if anyone has a solution to this issue that I am experiencing please help, I would greatly appreciate it as I am working on this project as part of my assignment for my university degree.
Any help I will greatly appreciate.
I seemed to have fixed this issue without remodeling my building facade, all I did was changed the name of the max file, re-saved all the textures with the new name made a new file within my level. Then I unchecked the physilize and saved out a .cgf and saved a new version of my .max file then exported my new version of the building facade asset with the CryExporter then re-imported my assest and the result was this: