SizeAjustor plugin : Adjust draw size / focal shift ( and more ) by simply moving X and Y mouse axis while holding down a hotkey. Don't interrupt your workflow anymore when adjusting brush size or focal shift, instead smoothly adjust it with visual feedback, just like in mudbox, photoshop, etc... !!!
> Description :
I was always pissed when I had to adjust draw size or focal shift with a slider, and wanted to have a tool which would prevent from getting out of the sculpting workflow too much, just like like in photoshop with alt or maya/mudbox holding B key. The adjust plugin did not do it for me, so I started to write my own, and there it is.
> Instructions :
First, assign a hotkey to the big button* (pictured below), then while sculpting you hold that hotkey and adjust a chosen parameter with horizontal mouse movement (X axis), and another one with vertical mouse movement (Y axis).
While doing this, you have instant visual feedback of brush size and focal shift, as well as numerical looking at the sliders updating in real time.
You can also adjust Z Intensity and RGB Intensity if you want, and you have two separate parts in the plugin ( "SizeAjustor A" and "SizeAjustor B" ) which do exactly the same thing so you can have up to two hotkeys adjusting different parameters.
The current version is v0.92, but yet, it is already fully functional. You can except some more features to come.
So far I've got very very positive reviews, only a few bugs came out and had been corrected already, but having only so good reviews but so few, I find it quite suspicious. So I posted it here, in a more "hardcore" community, thinking I would get more face-to-face feedback, good or bad...
Could somebodies please give a try on it ? It's very quick to setup and try, and it could possibly greatly enhance your sculpting experience ( as some people told me ).
Thank you
( And please give feedback, even if it is good feedback, not only bad feedback is useful )
Anyone found a way to keep the plugin settings permanently?
I always resets after I close zbrush.