I am curious for a long time. In that I can take the approach to creating textures in two ways and possibly more? I have seen it done and not sure what are the benefits, such as the amount of UV islands, texture space and resolution, etc.
A picture is always good. :-)
Here is one I use a lot for modular type buildings, but it can look repetitive.

With the above approach I will have wall sections in a building that overlap, even on top, is that okay?
The second, everyone understands the traditional way.

But, it requires a lot more massaging and with an interior and exterior building possibly two UV maps and texture sheets.
So, which is better for a building that I would like to be unique and has both an interior and exterior that is used it a FPS title?
Much appreciated!
Should be fine.
That's perfectly fine. Just remember that if you are also to do a lightmap then those two shells have to occupy individual spaces on the second UV map (thats how lightmaps are done in UDK)