Like the thread title says, I am having a weird spec error in Marmoset (most recent update 1.10). I have tried everything from reexporting the model from both Max and Maya, made sure there are no weird normals/face issues of the geo. Everything seems to be in perfect order, but when I go to turn on specularity within Marmoset, the geo gets this weird filmy look about it. There are other things within the scene that have the same color/spec applied within the same texture.
The mesh is all grouped as one object, with a single material on it, faces are correct, etc. I have narrowed it down to Marmoset's specularity, or something related to it. The other objects with the same spec are reading correctly, like the grey metal band to the right in the picture. Just these hinges break.

(Disregard the blurry, VERY WIP texture in the background, its an RTS prop)
As for game res, if I can't figure this out within a reasonable time, I would probably just put it off, or remove the spec from the specific hinges and probably come back to it later if I had time. Was just curious to see if there was any that has had the same problem? I have been using Marmoset for quite a while, as part of my workflow as I use it to see realtime texture updates as I paint normally.
Thank you for the help so far though, I will see if the normals effect it.