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Sketchbook: Nepfish

polycounter lvl 8
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Nepfish polycounter lvl 8
About me:
I'm a game design student from Belgium who is currently doing his second year. The first year I learned stuff varying from drawing, 3D modeling and C++ programming. 3D however was always the most fun to do so I really want to focus on the modeling and texturing aspect. I decided to make a sketchbook and drop some of my work here.

Feedback is highly welcome ;)

First year VFX stuff:

In our second semester last year we had to model and render a 70's / 80's object in 3ds max. At the end we had to give it a vintage feel.

Our final exam in the first year: Modeling and rendering an oldtimer. I chose a Porsche 912. It was a real pain for me to make but I learned a lot from it.

The final image

Second year stuff:
Finally we get to the game related stuff ;) This year we are learning the pipeline of creating normal, spec, gloss maps.

A toolbox we had to create from scratch a few weeks ago.
Box (click to view in 3D)

Next post, I'll show what I'm currently working on instead of showing some older stuff.


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