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Vray + Ink n Paint material causes artifacts

Hallo All,

I've ran across a problem with a new project I’m working on, the idea of the project is to make a toon-like animation with some ambient light.
After trying the different options that 3Ds max 2013 gives ( ink n paint material and the mental ray falloff map + contours shader ) I didn't totally like the result that gave me so I kept searching.
In my search I found something that really was what I have been looking for. A person called Paulgswanson had a post with a little tutorial and some results: http://www.ronenbekerman.com/forums/texturing-surfacing/866-vray-cellshade-yes-possible.html
And here is a link to the image from him on Deviantart: http://paulgswanson.deviantart.com/art/Cell-Shading-VRAY-redux-P-193121086

I have managed to recreate something that looks a lot like that, part through his tutorial and part of using the following vray material from: http://www.vray-materials.de/all_materials.php?mat=1192&PHPSESSID=ee1cde1693e140f2c533e6b0ddaa0809

But here is where my trouble is starting as soon as I start animating the camera these weird artifacts show up (see image below)


which almost looks like flames in the way they move or that they are just weird spots. After trying many different option within Vray and the indirect lightning , I gave up and tried something else, namely the Ink n Paint material that comes with 3ds Max. This gave me something that is also nice and also looks good but it has almost the same problem with these weird artifacts.
So I want to ask you all to help me out, am I just chasing something crazy or is there something I’m just missing that is causing this.
I have included a link to a dropbox file from a test scene I made with Vray and Ink n Paint material and a link to a file that has Vray and the falloff material from Paulgswanson.

Here are some things I have tried that don’t seem to have any effect:
Change the adaptive DMC Image sampler min subdivs.
Change to different bounces with different quality settings.
Change the amount of levels on the Ink n Paint material.
Playing with the Ink n Paint material settings.
Switch some settings in the VRay material from vray-materials.de

Any help would be highly valued.




Some settings / programs I used:

3ds Max 2013
V-Ray Adv 2.40.03
V-Ray:: Indirect Illumination (GI) : On
GI Environment (skylight) override: On
Ink 'n Paint material with lighted and shaded standard settings, Paint Levels:4
with ink disabled
Environment: atmosphere effect: Vray Toon
Pixels 0,8
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