(6 nuts for the win!)
posted this elsewhere but I figured I might get more responses on here.
Here goes:
I saw
this concept by the talented Devon Cady-Lee and in 5 days I came this far.
What I need now is a new pair of eyes to help me out, I think there might be a few errors in its creation.
I am trying to make it realistic and make it resemble the image as much as possible, I created notes last night though when I was fiddling with it today (regarding those notes) i felt I did more damage than good and I went to the last save again and decided I needed some professional assistance so I came here.
Please help and critic the model I provided a beauty set of images and a reference set for the more precise critics.
If you could also provide some assistance on how to handle those critics I am all ears, thank gents, enjoy.
Beauty Images:(Right click view image or open new image.)
Reference images for help:
Every little bit helps.
Update Animated progression gif for the curious:
My first animation gif so it is pretty bad.
Also I added an animated gif of the process, I am guessing the anatomy is fine?
The hind legs were giving me some issues to be honest.
I'm not so hot on anatomy specifics but if I'm picking I'd say your version looks a lot like a Chinese Lion while the concept looks more like a Staffordshire Bull Terrier (Staffy). So to bring it closer to the concept it's basically needs to be wider at the shoulders with a smaller head.
Updated: To add to the above, the whole model was made that way, all the other limbs can be used, when i pose him I will show this, hopefully.
The side arms on his upper trap muscles can be bent downward and behind his main arms, same goes for the front arms, when he lays down it will look proper. Same for the hind legs they can tuck under where his testicles are. Also the additional hind leg bones function as well, I might have to bend them inward more not to sure just yet. I felt in the concept that they were fused to the main legs instead of just a separate pair. The "armor" platting on his entire back is separated at his major joint area's so the head is separate from the back, the back from his tail.
The face also closed perfectly to his upper head/jaw area so no teeth clip his nose or any other part of him.
I wish you luck on your position, though you do some really nice work so I suspect you might not need it.:)
Thanks for your input Seb.
I took your feedback and here is the result:
Try to ignore the tongues and jaw, perhaps that will help if not I'll make another updated gif with them removed.
About a 5 - 10% reduction was done, I thought it helped a lot so thanks for that.
I did notice though my sis and I also said it looked like that dragon.
I was surprised to see that in the model myself and was like what an odd coincidence for this to turn out like that.
Will be posting more as I've worked on him today but felt I could hold out on asking in-case anyone else pops in with any issues I can review.
Really awesome thanks for the help thus far it feels/looks better already.
Just updating the thread I'll do this repeatedly throughout its completion.
touched the back plating, the spikes and added some skin stretching to the body connection, hope you can see this well enough.
To add this is all one subtool, just the eyes and teeth are separate subtools, also no fancy techniques all tablet and pen, still learning.:thumbup::poly136: