Is there a possibility in Mudbox to sculpt repetitive objects simultaneously? So that when I sculpt on one of them, the others take over the same sculpt?
The objects have slightly different geometry, but identical UVs and topology.
Looks like this (it's supposed to be a trilobite), and I want to sculpt the 12 segments:

If your meshes are exactly the same, you can try to overlap the uvs, sculpt and bake one, and the use sculpt using map (make sure you're subdividing each mesh to a reasonable amount to catch the details of the map, so my guess would be smaller ones don't need to be as the same amount of detail as bigger ones). Make sure to export and apply a 32 bits floating point map when sculpting using map. Control the amount of displace on the sculpt layer.
Then reimport your uvs from all base meshes at level 0, one by one, it should only update the UVs then, then bake another displace / whatever with that (if that's what you want).
Tedious but should work a treat =D
Or do a version of the mesh with non scaled meshes overlapping each other / on exact top of every one, sculpt one, transfer details on all non sculpted, then import another version of each base level scaled and in place. Should update the scale and position this way but keep your details. You can then decimate them for easy export. Or step down a division level or 2 to manage the file better.
That's all I can think on the top of my head...
Sorry, no shortcut that I know of...=(
the move the object in place and scale them... and dont forget to freeze the transforms...
but i think the easiert way is to extract a displacement map and use sculpt from map...
I tried with Vector Displacement map, 32bitFP as you said, and looks fine except for some strange artifacts.
Your second method works flawlessly
It's not as fast as sculpt from maps however (regarding the amount of klicks I have to do for each segment), so if you have any idea about those artifacts it would be great.
I also tried with standard Displacement, but then it doesn't look as good in the creases as the Vector disp.
oglu -
It's not just scaled, it has also other transforms (with Lattice), so any scaling operations won't get it right, and I can't reuse the lattice because it was before the mirror.
No clue about the artifacts tho =(