Hi. im putting together a level in UDK. It's a huge oil rig and it will be in a realistic scale. I have CAD models on it all and have a few guys up here working on rebuilding the models for UDK.
However. There is alot of stuff and alot of different texture surfaces. the models that is going to be used in game is also quite complex so there will be no custom textures. i will focus on making nice tiling materials to use all over to save as much resources that i can.
i am wondering about something related to this. the unwrap will be quite packed because of the complex models and the scale of the mapping will vary. right now i am scaling the mapping on the models so that if i apply a checker they will have the same scale so i wont have to duplicate materials in udk to change the tiling there.
this means that some of the models the mapping will go outside the render area and i guess that will be a problem when baking in udk
Could i just use SSAO and use only dynamic lighting to not get artefacts when baking?
anyone have a better idea for this process?
this is not ideal resource wise i know, but this will be run on only one computer for tradeshows and its a powerful one so i will simply just throw on it whatever it can handle. i would offcourse like to do everything perfect here and go with multiple texture maps and texture baking but there is also a real lack of time on this project

Sorry for the long post and every reply is greatly appreciated!
What you do is make a separate uv map for your models that's the way udk work it bakes lighting information to them, it will increase the size of the scene but again less demanding to run on a computer, look into both and pick the one that works best
Read this: https://udn.epicgames.com/Three/LightMapUnwrapping.html
is it map channel 2 that gets the baked information?
Thanks man!
Glad I could help.
I didnt know that. very useful! What negative effects does turning up the resolution make? will it affect the fps or just filesize? both?
My biggest problem here is that i have a ton of models and no time to unwrap them all. that means that i have unwrap using flatten mapping which is terrible but if there isn't any other options unless there are better tools that make bigger and fewer clusters automatically.
The problem with this is that i get lots of splotches from the lightmass on my models but it got much better turning the lightmass resolution up quite a bit but i don't know if that will hurt my fps in the long run.