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CryExport Issue!! Please help!!!

Im having an issue with exporting my scene to cryengine.. Ive exported and imported to cryengine many times before and now that i need to import something for a test for a company its not working! Go figure.. Its giving me an error that says there are no normals.. But there ARE normals.. Its also giving me an error code 455.. I cant remember what it says, ill update this with that when i get home.. My object exports but when i import it it doesnt show up in the engine?!?! Any ideas on whats going on would be helpful.. Thanks!!!


  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I've had issues with exporting in stressful times as well. But, I think it was due to me installing a newer version prior to starting the work. Have you installed a newer(or older) version and continued using a different one? I'd make sure your RC is still finding the right locations for whatever version you're using.

    What do you mean it isn't showing up in the engine? Like it shows up in the roll-up bar, but is invisible when you drag it out? Or is it not showing up in the roll-up bar at all? Make sure you refresh the Brushes/Entity windows if you export after the engine was already opened :)

    Let us know what the error is too when you try it out again.
  • SwampCat84
    ok, im home now and can elaborate more on the issue at hand... I havent updated or anything... Im still using the same version ive always used with maya 2013 that I have on my windows side... I just exported with it about two weeks ago when I did a personal project for my portfolio... and it worked just fine... The errors its giving me are:

    "#445 'float_array' contains invalid data"
    "#445 failed to load 'float_array' node as array"
    "Mesh has no normals. TODO: generate proper normals"
    "ResourceCompiler exited with an error"

    I don't know what the hell its talking about and theres no description to help.. I cant find anything online about this issue... Im really at a loss here...

    After I run the exporter I go into CryE and I can see the file in there.. I click and drag it into the scene... resize it.. move it around.. but theres nothing in the box where the geo should be... I can see all the textures and materials and everything but cant see the geo.. I assume this has something to do with the "missing normals" it thinks aren't there... Any ideas? Gonna play around with it some more tonight... ugh...
  • SwampCat84
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    best way fixing something like that is:
    start with a new scene.. maybe just a box.. something that does export without error.
    Now add parts of your scene until the export crashes and try to figure out what part of the scene does crash the export.
  • SwampCat84
    Hmmm, that might work.. But I was importing my scene as one object... Its just one building... I guess I could split it up and try it that way.. Thanks :)
  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    if it's just an object you want to import into the cryengine then the usual broken-model methods might come into use. You are working with maya so I'm not sure what the usual procedure would be there but in max you can do stuff like export as obj then reimport or create a box an attach the model to it.

    Whatever you do start with something working! That's important.

    In the end you model is just constructed out of vector data: positions, normals, uv coords ... So transferring this data without any high level data (saved from e.g. maya) to another working model solves in almost any cases problems where a models seems to be broken.
  • SwampCat84
    Well, I imported my model into maya as I usually do.. I cant use the original maya file because it was done in Maya 2014 and the file wont open in 2013 or earlier... So as always, i just export as an OBJ, after cleaning it up of course... I thought maybe my issue was that I had 'grouped' sections and then exported.. But even when I ungrouped and re-exported it still doesnt seem to work.. Ive exported, imported, and tried re-exporting to CryE about 6 times now.. I just cant figure out whats going on.. Ive tried changing everything I can think of..
  • SwampCat84
    OK - So I figured out my problem... Just now getting time to post about it..

    Just in case someone else comes across this issue: heres what I found out..

    The project I was working on was a building... And I had blocked out the outside of the building but didnt get a chance to finish the whole thing, so I had just focused on a smalll section of it (a blown out side wall). So since I hadnt finished the other part of the building, the topology was really messy... And thats what was causing my issue...

    CryExporter doesnt like messy topology apparently.. Lol

    Hindsight is 20/20... Ugh...
  • saripalmer
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    saripalmer polycounter lvl 2
    I just want to say a HUGE thank you for having this thread on here. I was getting the same error as SwampCat84 and it was my first export to Cryengine. I have been working on this crap all week and I am a newbie, so this post has helped me pinpoint the problem to one piece of my model.


  • iammalte
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    iammalte interpolator
    I had the same problem, "unlock normals" and reassign them via uvw shell script (or by angle/hand) fixed that problem too. :)
  • neuronimages

    Please help!!!

    2012 3ds max exporting into cryengine3

    Thanks in advance!
  • Christian Cunningham
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    Christian Cunningham polycounter lvl 10
    Just to confirm, I had a lot of wonky errors as well. Everything was exporting fine, but this one model was giving me a headache. I just unlocked normal's, and then reapplied smoothing groups in maya. After that it exported fine.
  • JohnnyH
    Offline / Send Message
    JohnnyH interpolator
    Glad everyone got this fixed

    Yes this error code is always something to do with normals for the most part, when in doubt check to see if anything is reveresed.

    Also maya has a tendency to lock normals on objs between imports/exports, so if you're having issues with getting the normals to react try unlocking them.

    I know its been solved, but another thing to watch out for is working with instances. You'll typically get error 445 if you convert an instance without unlocking and setting normals :)
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