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ZBrush "Popup" Hotkey

polycounter lvl 6
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aireqi9 polycounter lvl 6
Hello, noobish question here.
Does anyone know what button "Popup" in the default StartUpHotkeys.TXT means?

[BRUSH:SMOOTH STRONGER,5447795] // Popup+S
[BRUSH:MOVE ELASTIC,5054565] // Popup+E
[BRUSH:MPOLISH,7151728] // Popup+P
[BRUSH:CLIPCURVE,4399203] // Popup+C
[BRUSH:CLAYLINE,4399212] // Popup+L


  • blindjudgement
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    blindjudgement polycounter lvl 16
    I would assume that "Popup" is referring to the button you need to press in order to filter available options, when dealing with brushes this is always the letter that corresponds with the first letter of the brush name. So the standard brush by default you would hit 'B', 'S', 'T'. in that order one at a time. 'B' brings up the brush menu, 'S' filters out all brushes that don't start with S, and 'T' is the hotkey for the standard brush from the list of brushes that start with S. So following this logic if you wanted the Clay Brush you would hit 'B', 'C', 'L'. Hope this helps.
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