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Need help with my first item!

polycounter lvl 9
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beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
Hello, i made my first item for Dota 2. I uploaded it in game, and for some reason it looks strange, it have some blue glowing on it (See pic. below) If you have any idea why my item looks like this, please help me =)

Thank you!


Here is the model and texture files is you want to look at them: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3zL89FUQsnmMDdDeWFZenlGRTg/edit?usp=sharing


  • Optinium
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    Optinium polycounter
    I'm not to familiar with that particular hero but check the detail map mask (red channel) of mask 1 is black. Also some weapons can have particle effects tied to them with/when a special mesh is submitted indicating particle emitting verticies, does she require one?
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Optinium wrote: »
    I'm not to familiar with that particular hero but check the detail map mask (red channel) of mask 1 is black. Also some weapons can have particle effects tied to them with/when a special mesh is submitted indicating particle emitting verticies, does she require one?

    Thanks for the reply,

    I checked my detail mask (red channel on mask1), it was 1,1,1 color, i made it into 0,0,0 but unfortunately it did not solve my problem. My item doesn't have any particle effect, I tried to do something simple to start, without particles :)
  • Fletch
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    Try toning down the specular in your mask 2. You have it full white along those edges, and the shape of your mesh is probably creating those reflections. Hope that helps.

    Also, you might want to tone down rimlight on the metal as well.
  • Sylei
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    Sylei polycounter lvl 5
    I had this problem just yesterday. When you export your item make sure in the FBX options that the file format is NOT the 2014 version (looks like this with 2013)
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Fletch wrote: »
    Try toning down the specular in your mask 2. You have it full white along those edges, and the shape of your mesh is probably creating those reflections. Hope that helps.

    Also, you might want to tone down rimlight on the metal as well.

    I tried to play with this values a little, but it did not help. It turned out Silei is right:
    Sylei wrote: »
    I had this problem just yesterday. When you export your item make sure in the FBX options that the file format is NOT the 2014 version (looks like this with 2013)

    I tried to export in 2013 version and it worked out. No strange blue glow now :) Thank for the reply guys, thanks Silei.

  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Hello there! New question :)

    Pudge weapon requirements say texture should be 128H x 256W. How do I make a rectangular UV's in Maya? All I only found information about making it in Max, I could not find anything specific about the Maya.

    Thank you!
  • MdK
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    MdK polycounter lvl 9
    Motenai helped me with this exact problem yesterday. First of all imagine half of the UV space is all you have to use and fit your UVS into that half. Once that is all done, select all your UV islands and stretch them out so they fill the full square. Now when you bake in xnormal or whatever program you are using, just set the correct ratio in there.
  • Snowstorm
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    Snowstorm polycounter lvl 5
    You can basically just make them square and then resize them before importing, keeping in mind that they'll be stretched in the respective direction whilst you're unwrapping.
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Here is my pudge cleaver :) (I followed Lennyagony's tutorial)



    I do not really understtood the process of making rectangular UV's, but it seems my final result was decent. For the baking stage i used half of the UV space, but it didnt worked in game, so i stretched them to fill the whole UV space.

    I also had big in game shading problems with Harden and Soften Edge features from Maya. I do not know what caused them, I could not get rid of them by tools inside Maya. I had to load the model in 3Ds Max and use Max smoothing groups to get rid of shading problems.
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Working on a Pugna set :)


    Appreciate any comments! :)
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    Hello there :). I encountered a problem. Turns out Pugna's Nether Ward requires it's own animations. I thought that the model will use the default Nether Ward animation, but it proved to be wrong. I do not know how I should address the issue, where should I start? Perhaps there is some sort of tutorial showing the process of creating animation for Dota 2?


    And I noticed that a avaliable polygon budget in game and on the requirements page does not match. What do you think, which of the two options is correct?

    Also, i updated my weapon. I made it symmetrical and improved silhouette (I think so :))

  • MdK
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    MdK polycounter lvl 9
    And I noticed that a avaliable polygon budget in game and on the requirements page does not match. What do you think, which of the two options is correct?

    The ingame one.
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    I have strange color artifacts in game, any idea why? Texture is flat gray color.

  • Insaneophobia
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    Insaneophobia polycounter lvl 5
    Could it potentialy be the smoothing groups?
  • beaver_knight
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    beaver_knight polycounter lvl 9
    I think its not the case. First I tried to soften all the edges on the mesh - no positive effect. Then i tried to harden all the edges - it did not helped.

    Also I checked if it can be shadow of some sort - this is 100% not shadow from the neck collar.
  • Reyne
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    Reyne polycounter lvl 6
    If there are only flat normals loaded, and the whole model shares one smoothing group I can only guess a few things. Other people will probably know more than me but some possibilities are:

    In the modelling program you have a quad and the invisible edge is forming a ridge between two vertices but when you export the model it triangulates and puts in the other edge option for an edge, forming a valley.

    Other than that, I'm not sure. Unwelded (or duplicate) vertices? The result of distortion from animations if you have done some rigging?

    Hope I could help. If not I'm sure someone here has the answer :D
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