after I attended Blizzcon this year and saw the first artworks of the Iron Horde I decided to design a Iron Horde Vehicle.
After a few sketches I cam up with the idea of an Ram.
The purpose of the vehicle should be to simply crash thru enemy siege lines, walls or infantry formation.
It's designed for a frontal assault, something like a unguided heavy missle, but on wheels... and with spikes

Here a few shots of my WIP (no textures or smoothing applied yet):

Critics & Feeback welcome

- Adapted the front shield (including the conection to the main body, not visible in this shot)
- Added the Fire-Wheel (front wheel) from the Garrosh encounter (thanks WoWModelviewer^^)
- Changed the boiler and added some parts to the top
- removed the doors
As always critis, feedback etc. Welcome
I usually think the Warcraft models of the vehicles tell a lot through their silhouettes and their, at times, disproportionate designs. Earlier we've seen a lot of wood incorporated but the horde seems to be going for more and more steel/iron armor slabs in their designs.
Taking a look back at the different siege engines we've seen from the Horde so far~
The Catapult we've seen in orcish settlements, small and large.
Theres the Demolisher debuting with Wotlk
And this seems to be something coming up on the future/past frontlines in Wow:WoD.
My personal opinion would be to take a look at the boiler in the back and perhaps give it some more character! So far it looks like it fits neatly inside the box, being pretty symmetric as is right now. But with some more personality like the boilers above it could look a lot more powerful.
Also, post some wires! Makes it a lot easier to see what kind of topology you got going on your current mesh
As it should be a vehicle of the Iron Horde, I'm aiming for the WoW:WoD style.
So far the model is complete symetrical, as it's easier to work with it. I totally agree with the boiler. I have to look into it an make it more... HORDE.
Here are some Wireframes of the model so far:
As the front wheel is a direct export from WoW and not made by me, I applied the game texture to it and not a wireframe.
- made the boiler bigger
- added metal scales to the front shield (not yet sure if I model or texture them)
- redo the front shields "spikes"
Vert Count so far: 5254
Not 100% happy with the wood texture, but so far I think it looks good.
I will rest now and check tomorrow again if I can find some parts were I have to rework, but so far I consider it DONE.
(The front wheel is not done by me, it's extracted from World of Warcraft, by Blizzard Entertainment)
Also, lastly, get rid of that wheel you extracted from the game. You didn't make it, you didn't texture it, and it does not benefit your piece to have it there. It makes me wonder what your intentions are having it there in that you're either too lazy to make a single wheel or you're hoping to pass it off like it is something you made (even though you address it in a disclaimer.) If you have the time to make an entire siege vehicle, you can create a wheel for it.
The highlights on the metal plates in the front look wrong as well, but I'm not sure how to fix this.
The model currently feels very flat as it doesn't look like you've got any diffuse lighting baked in only specular and some AO. So I think you need to either bump up the strength of the diffuse lighting or add some if you don't have any.
I'm sure you've seen it already but here's a video by another guy who've worked for Blizzard on doing metal (starts at about 1:07).
For the front wheel: I took the ingame model to have a refence point and to create a connection to the already present Iron Horde stuff ingame. I never intendet to trick someone with it (that's why I always add the disclaimer).
For the deadline: As I often get lost in my work, start new projects etc. I decided to set myself a deadline (end of year), so it was only a personal one.
For the metal plates: I always felt something was wrong with them, but can't narrow it down.
So back to the drawing-board. I will update this post with more work in progress.
And again thanks for all your feedback.
I think I should make more basics hand painted textures before coming back to this one.
My plan is to do several 512x512 handpainted texture examples to get used to the basic stuff (like lightning, forms and different spec levels).
I will post the textures here and at my blog (http://dethling.blogspot.fr/).
So thanks again for the feedback!
Here is the first texture (took me ~ 1 hour):
The goal was to create some metal like texture.. but it looks more like polished stone. Neitherless I like it.
Somethings on your practice piece -
It's probably thee hardest thing to replicate on a miniature (besides the no-takesy-backsies) but there are good resources that talk about the process. Look for some source images of Wrought Iron, while you may mostly come up with tools and gates, it'll give you an idea of the color and highlight (which you can pull color samples from).
Instead of doing the usual morning stuff (browsing gaming sites, reading news etc.) I decided to use the one-two hours before work to harness my texturing skills.
That's the todays texture:
The bars need a little bit more refinement I think, but works calling.
I think the shading and shapes are pretty good but the texture could be improved with some color variation to break up the monochrome nature of it (think subtle reflections, some brown dirt, maybe some algae/moss/lichen if it's something that's either old or near the sea).
I'll be honest I don't know if the marble-esque cracks add anything to the piece, but may just be me, the tears in the metal looks good.
Here's a updated, rusted version:
I'm not happy with the rust "patches", have to find a better way of doing them.
if im reading it wrong and the squiggly lines are supposed to be cuts well cuts are straight and have much more variation (thick, thin, dark, light)
Look at your ref MUCH more closely dude and like Praetus said get rid of the front wheel and make your dam own if it aint your work dont show it
Depends how far you want to go with the rust. I could definitely aim to add it around "things" (bolts, the plates holding the rend together). I would also add some noise to the rust, as it really has a texture to it. Rust also tends to draw downward with gravity, especially in streaks. So focus on the rends, slices and divots in the plate, the bolts and extra and draw it downward onto other areas of the plate where moisture causes it to run and stain.
As I saw the texturing I have to say I'm very disappointed about my own work. So I did soem tweaks on the model (removed sharp corners) and started the texturing from scratch.
So far I did the base colors and the lightning for the front part:
I still have massive problems with the "look like metal" part, so if anyone has any tips or tricks here, please share it