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The first 360 Oculus Rift movie - Zero Point

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The first 360 Oculus Rift movie

Zero Point – The first 3D 360 movie for virtual reality



Steven Spielberg recently said, “We’re never going to be totally immersive as long as we’re looking at a square, whether it’s a movie screen or a computer screen. We’ve got to get rid of that and put the player inside the experience, where no matter where you look you’re surrounded by a three-dimensional experience. That’s the future.”

That’s exactly what they’re working on at Condition One.:)


  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    I do find that Spielberg quote quite disheartening to be honest. It's a bit like saying that books suck because they are printed on paper and that's limiting.

    Now of course there's great things to be done with immersion and VR. But an Occulus is not going to write a good script by itself.
  • eld
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    eld polycounter lvl 18
    And I could just as well say "We're never going to be fully immersed until we can walk around the scene instead of just having a static viewpoint" to the 360 movie.

    I agree with you a ton pior, immersion is something that happens in our brain not outside of it, which is why we can be immersed from just reading a book or watching something on a tiny screen, or playing a game with ascii graphics.

    With that said, I'm totally into VR stuff!
  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Yeah it's always a bit odd seeing such great directors totally jumping on tech bandwagons just for the sake of it - like Cameron with 3D.

    Still, indeed, tech is great - as a matter of fact I'd love to see 3D and VR being used on a very stationery movie. A Reservoir Dogs kind of setting, with a fixed camera viewpoint and actors going back and forth in 3D space. Or even, Dogville in 3D ! Now that would be one hell of a trip :D
  • Lazerus Reborn
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    Lazerus Reborn polycounter lvl 8
    I was recently up till 5 in the morning reading a book without realising. Never once has that happened with a film. Suck it spielberg!

    But yeah, this is pretty interesting! I actually cant wait for the mainstream of VR and it's nearly here with the Rift so :D

    Though a bad film, will still be a bad film in VR so they'll have to get it right!
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