Hey, im trying to build a rig that strech and squash.
Overall its pretty easy to do, but i havent found a solution that would allow me to squash ik limb.
I found a few solution, like using morpher or using a fake skeleton to drive and deform squash but i'm not really satisfied with both solution

What id like to do is to achieve this using joint/ bone based only deformations...
Anyone got a clue ?
originalUpperArmLength / (distance UpperArm ForeArm)
You can leave inherit scale on for the ForeArm so that you don't need to use more FloatScripts on there. But turn it off for the hands and/or fingers.
Here's an example saved as a Max 2010 file, I even added an upper limit to the squash since it can potentially scale to infinity:
BTW, in this file I turned off inherit scale for the Forearm and Hand, and then wired the Forearm scale to the Upper arm. I shouldn't need to do that, but it was only getting half the scale value for some reason.
Just found out that the dee rigs got this option, i'm gonna look at how it's done... looks like i'll have to extract some CA
Many thanks
edit: haha actually it's fairly easy, didn't even had to check some CA, all I had to to is to unhide some stuff...
you have to link some node to the IK/FK blend system and then skin those node instead of the bone inside the blend system, then you drive the scale using some CA
Now I feel dumb