So I finally want to give making a udk scene a shot! But for some reason 3dsmax exports the meshes to small or something? I kept the rule of thumb that a male is about 96 unit tall, this is where I based my scene blockout on.But the problem is, for some reason it's to small when I place it in my UDK scene..
Did something change in the later releases of the udk?
I also made a 256x256 cube in max that I exported, and it matches a udk made 256x256 block.
Help pls :c
It's been a while since I did something with the udk, and really can't remember putting in a gamemode..
But thanks anyways guys!
Its all about feeling.
I have created a character 183 Units high, in the console i use a command to set another camera heigth (x2.4). (Important is that camera level is not always eye level)
FoV 85-90 degrees for Pc is good.
When i look in the environment its to small! Rooms must nearly double the size horizontal and good 66% bigger for vertical for the "feeling". When i go to the window the original window board feels wrong because its to near, when i use another heigth it can be looks ugly from far away.
In the end its all about tradeoffs. Make a mesh from your apartment room, and try to create a model with the right "feeling".
My personal reference is horizontal +100%, vertical +66%, for rooms with a fov of 90 degrees.