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3DS Max normal map error

Hey! When using a normal map in 3DS Max (offline rendering) I get this shading error even if I just use a normal map with a flat colour. For some reason it works just fine in UDK, but not in 3DS Max. The normal map is baked with standard settings.

I know it's not a game related problem, but I thought I could ask anyway.



  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Where you baked your normals? In Max? or in other apps? Did you used Handplane for the UDK normalmap? How your uvs/smoothing groups have set up? How it looks in the 3dsMax viewport?
  • Sardu
    Offline / Send Message
    Sardu polycounter lvl 5
    Looks like a smoothing group problem, but max really isn't my forte.
  • paupau
    Yeah, I baked it in Max. And I didn't use handplane for the UDK normal map. I used textools to set up my smoothing groups per UVW island.

    This is what it looks like in the viewport
  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Sorry but I forgot to write "with your normalmap" :D So is it looks good in the viewport when you apply your normalmap to it? Have you tried using reset Xform? If not, then try it and rebake it after that.
  • paupau
    I've tried using reset Xform, but it doesn't help. And well, I'm going to use this 3D model in a matte painting scene, so it doesn't matter if it looks good in the viewport. It has to look good when rendering.

    I've tried using a flat normal map, but it still isn't working, so it's probably not the normal map that isn't working. It feels like it's 3DS Max.(as I said, this isn't completely game related, but I thought I'd ask anyway)
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