Awesome work!
Im starting a pretty large forest soon, seeing some wireframes of the trees and plants would definitely be awesome . Also whats the average polycount for most of these assets?
Thanks! Well they vary from 4-8k tris on LOD 0 depending on what kind of tree it is think The avarage tree is around 6k and its The stem and branches(opaque surfaces)that take up most of it.
Thanks! Well they vary from 4-8k tris on LOD 0 depending on what kind of tree it is think The avarage tree is around 6k and its The stem and branches(opaque surfaces)that take up most of it.
That is REALLY good information. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome work.
Wow Fozwroth... just utterly amazing! I picked up battlefield 4 a few days ago and I was impressed from the get-go but when I played Zavod 311 for the first time I fell in love with those trees and every other part of that environment. What are you secrets??!!? Breakdowns plz
Thanks a lot Unfortunately I cant release any breakdowns of the assets or share the process at this time I hope that changes since I would like to share the info.
I will probably build a personal environment soon with a lot of vegetation and might be able to share some tips and such through that instead
Currently playing the snot out of BF4 MP, and as a Sniper I get alot of face time with your work and I thought for sure it was Speedtree (A compliment). Kudos man!
hehe, thanks ^^ they are built by hand I actually don't like Speedtree much, probably because I don't know the program well at all.. I mostly get frustrated and end up building it myself xD
For the bark it was mostly working from photos then trying to match it up with the reference.
Im starting a pretty large forest soon, seeing some wireframes of the trees and plants would definitely be awesome
That is REALLY good information. Thanks so much for sharing your awesome work.
Its really amazing, Im kinda speechless
I will probably build a personal environment soon with a lot of vegetation and might be able to share some tips and such through that instead
You mention all the leaves were done using HP meshes.
I'm curious on how you did the different tree bark? Did you sculpt it by hand or mostly use photo reference?
For the bark it was mostly working from photos then trying to match it up with the reference.