Hey Folks,
So I'm now at a stage that I think my portfolio is in good enough shape to show off to the world

I'm looking for any crits you guys can throw at me, Good and bad points, what I need to improve on, and most importantly, do you think I could get my first job in the industry from this?
Personally, I'm aiming for my next piece to be a hard surface environment, as so far its mainly organic scenes.
Thanks in advance, any comments are more than welcome
Site design and colour scheme is nice.
Your images are really small, I know you can click to make them bigger but a lot of people won't want to keep clicking.
I'd also move the white band that has the name of the asset to touch the bottom, giving you more space.
@fonfa thanks for pointing that out with the image size, I have just converted them to jpgs, but they are losing a lot of the colour quality, they are png's at the moment, would it be worth sacrificing the quality for image size?
So go to something like 1280x720 instead of 500x281, and save as jpg.
For your resum
That said, "bar staff" in resume/cv is pointless to this industry, and about pages are redundant to resume/cv pages, remove it.
Also you could remove this page:
Just show your online cv directly, and add a link on top of the page, or PDF icon to download the file. One less useless click.
I also agree with the others> Use larger thumbnails. Right now their use is only to make people click on them. They are not used to really show the art.
So make them bigger so the visitors can directly see the scenes, and so that they would only click on them if they really want to see the details.
I guess I'll just write out my experience with your page. Overall the max width of everything should increase to between 900 - 1000px. It's too small now. Also reduce the file size of everything.
1. Open the website, content is easily accessible (good); however, the thumbnails are small.
2. Click on a project I want to see, scroll through. Your thumbnails are too small though. I can't really see much detail in anything.
3. At this point, I have to click on every single image to get a bigger version of it. Images take too long to load and after I'm finished I have to go back and repeat the process a total of 14 times to view every work in your portfolio. I've stopped browsing and am now writing this.
Also, some CV things
Remove your birthdate and marital status from your CV. Age is irrelevant in this industry and I've never seen marital status on a resume on here yet.
Under Key Program Skills the formatting is inconsistent. Either write 3DS Max and Mudbox or Autodesk 3DS Max and Autodesk Mudbox. Don't have it just in one spot.
There is no reason your resume needs to be 2 pages long. That means that a potential company has to go out of their way to keep your resume/CV together and not lose a page. Your name and Environment Artist can go on top, push the content left a little. That will make room for your work experience to slot in next to your Personal Details and Key Program Skills.
I wouldn't sell yourself short on the Environment Artist position. Remove the freelance as well as the worked from home bit.
- More Artwork! (this is something I'm currently working on at the moment)
- Either remove or re texture the campfire, as you said, its not up to standard
- Larger thumbnails, give the option to click them for a large image, but make the thumbs big enough to see all the details
- Reduce the file size of each image
- Merge my resume and about pages
- Cut down my cv to one page, and remove things that are irrelevant to the industry.
Again, thank you for the crits, its much appreciated