Here are couple of shots of a model that I made recently for the company that I am currently working. It's a dear model to me, the mighty Mig 29, a beautiful aircraft that I love!

The model is fully rigged and ready for animation:

For this model I used a different pipeline that I normally use, I started the model in Zbrush and finish it in Max. Here is a timelapse video making the Mig29:
[ame=""]Zbrush Mig 29 - YouTube[/ame]
I hope you like this model

I would experiment with your texture maps, it looks very diffuse and the model is all metal, you can get some interesting points with good use of gloss and specular
@robertg I just made the general shape of the fuselage in Zbrush, including wings, then I retopo the shape and most of the work was done in Max.
@Shrike Yes, the model has specular, normal, reflection and illumination map, sorry for the crappy renders, I know I should have spent more time finding a good lightning and render the model so it show up those maps, maybe if I find the time I will import it in Marmoset or Keyshot and do some good renders