Is their a way in 3DS Max to mirror a mesh like their is in Blender?
Here is an example of what I am talking about.
Around 2:10 into the video.
[ame=""]Beginners Blender 3D: Tutorial 7 - Using the Mirror Modifier - YouTube[/ame]
Is it possible to be editing one side and then see the same thing change on the mirrored side like in Blender?
you want the symmetry modifier (I use it all the time)
with the symmetry modifier you can even stack multiple modifiers to create multiple axis symmetry that updates in real time.
you could also just duplicate half your model using the mirror tool with "instance" turned on.
I just got 3DS max 2014 and I was using Blender before that. I am trying to find out what all the functions I used in Blender are in 3DS max.
Thank you for the speedy and informative reply.