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Character Art Progress Report and Creativity vs. Commercial Appeal

Glad to have finally joined Polycount. I’m a Character Artist located in Austin, TX. I’m looking for constructive criticism on my Character Art Reel. I would like to know where I stand as far as my Reel now and where I should go from here. This is the link to my Reel: . I have also posted pictures in this post to give better detail. Other pictures can be viewed at hawkes.cghub.com.

Is there any glaring weaknesses to my pieces? What can I do to improve my chances of landing an entry level position as a Character Artist?

As I move forward I want to make more creative characters. I also don’t want to ruin my chances of landing a job by making a piece that doesn’t fit into a studios pipeline. The decision normally comes down to either making another space marine to add to the pile, or making something unique. Will “Big Studio A” reject my portfolio if the pieces are good, but not something seen in most mainstream games?

I appreciate anyone taking the time to read this thread.



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