I was set to model a base mesh of either a male or female to put into sbrush to sculpt.
Below is the base mesh i created and the progress of my sculpt feedback would be much appreciated.
Base mesh
Sculpt in progress
sculpt progress any feedback to help me improve please
The biceps are flat, much unlike the reference photos- because his is quite defined.
There are holes on the nose, incomplete topology from the base mesh, probably some vertex you have not welded together.
Neck feels like the most defined part because you have the muscles and such there, while the hands and feed are quite flat, nothing to show shape, muscles, veins, bones etc.
Topology for the base mesh is nice, very few triangles and such, one continuous mesh.
Feet a bit small and short, arms a little bit too long- hands normally go to about just under hips and 3/4 of distance from knee to hip.
You have 70k polygons on your sculpt- use them! It is very flat and a lot just make straight lines.
The head needs some work too. Try using the move tool in ZBrush (B> MV) to get the curvature of the mouth. The ear could do with some defining, look at reference work for the ears.
He is also flat foot...
Keep at it man, keep doing anatomy studies, and if this is what you love, you will be successful.
I did a quick paintover for you, its not perfect but I hope it helps. I didn't have time o work on the head, but that needs some love too.