I'm quite new to zbrush and decided to check out zspheres
So when I turned them into adaptive or unified skins, well
Zsphere model:


Unified was set to 1024 resolution, Smooth 100, sphere density 0]
The problem with this: Doesn't show the claws or toes.

Adaptive was set to 5 Density, Max twist 0, G Radial 32 (I have tried other G Radial settings, nothing made a difference) Proximty 0.5 (Changed this as well, didn't make a difference)
Problem with this: You can guess why this is a problem.
It looks like you have overlapping Zspheres. If you are not getting the results you want you can either delete unnecessary spheres ( from the dino's shoulders and back to neck and chest?) or you can use classic skinning under : ADAPTIVE SKIN --> USE CLASSIC SKINNING. I have found using the Mc and Mp buttons usually help.