Another university assignment, in which i have to select and create a comic character, once created the art style would need to be also used to texture the character. I have chosen Orroro Monroe (AKA Storm). During this process i'm looking forward to the critique and general discussions about the work. This is my second character sculpt and i'm looking to improve my workflow, my overall sculpting skills and hopefully add some sort of likeness to the character.
Below is the Mowhawk Version on Storm i am creating.
Started of with the face
I found this left over from something I was working on yonks ago. Some of the shapes are a bit different, but it should get you going in a better direction. Might be nice to make her a bit more distinctly African looking anyway.
For better facial reference, I reckon Skin, the lead singer of Skunk Anansie might be a good fit. In fact I'd be slightly surprised if she hadn't partly inspired the mohawked version of Storm that you're working with somewhere along the line.
And i totally will look back into proportions and anatomy. I have under 20 days to complete this so i really do need to push forward. But having said that, in the holidays i will look into correcting the proportions and anatomy for this sculpt.
At 1st i'm gonna go back and sort out the proportions and compare against real life people. The breast and the belly button are a tad out off place. The buttocks area also seems a little awkward to me aswell. But after my comparisons, ill make the changes and take it from their.