I believe this might be my first thread started (?) not sure.
Anyway I just wanted to make a thread in an effort to keep myself busy and working (and for critique and self improvement of course).
So right now I'm working on a model of WWE wrestler Daniel Bryan, in the style of the game "WWE Allstars"
here is a wip

the most obvious things to point out is that the body is not really over the top enough to fit in that game universe and also that I have not gotten around to the face yet, but still early stages.
comments and critique are appreciated.

What you are going for is a really difficult challenge because its taking real world anatomy and then stylizing it. So in otherwords you have to be very familiar with the way anatomy really looks then doing so stylizing to make it more cartoony. I can see you are new to anatomy studies, so this might not be a great option for you, but here is my advice.
Get tons of references, don't just make up any parts of the anatomy as how you think it should look, get references of similar built guys from every angle. Since you want to make this yes guy more cartoony, then you should exaggerate the fact that he has a belly and is pretty smooth overall. Maybe I would give him some powerful arms and shoulders and make his mid section and legs more fatty/smooth less muscular.
Most of all, focus on the forms and not the cuts in the muscle. For example, you could make the boots pretty much exactly the same as the hulks in that image and just change the color and stuff. Your boots look way too thin and lack the bevel at the top. Exaggerating stuff is what will make this look cool in the end. Good luck man!
i've never met a person without abs...
So, the first thing I wanted to make note of is the obvious superhero-like proportions given to the wrestlers. Punk's seven heads tall, slightly more when standing at attention. What you have is nearing eight. The shoulders are noticeably wider, even a little more so than in your model. Even though Punk doesn't have the type of highly visible abs like the ones you've cut into your sculpt, or the ones on character models of dudes clearly on steroids*, there is some representation. The one thing I notice across the board from CM Punk to The Big Show to Hogan and Savage is a consistent emphasis on large meaty ham hocks for hands, forearms and calves. It's not quite straying into Unreal Tournament/Gears of War "giant boots on everything" territory but it's noticeable.
I will go back to the drawing board on this one I guess :P
This is percisely what I wanted/needed to hear because I realise that I have not really thougt about what I'm doing and instead just dove in headfirst and started.