I have been working on this on and off for about a week... an hour to two hours a day. I found this little camera at a yard sale and decided to make this my next piece to practice material definition and texturing. Most of the base materials and colors are blocked in.
Any idea why I am getting the camera in the reflections of the side lenses? I am using the Complex Refraction shader to achieve as close of a realistic result that is currently possible in Marmoset. Thank you for your help and as always critiques and comments are always welcome!!

Nice work so far, working on a camera project myself at the moment.
The normal work on the skin seems a little off at parts. Sometimes the fine lines raise up, while other times they appear to go down.
@Marshkin: Thanks! I think that is the result of an effect that did not hold up due to texture res. So basically from looking at my camera, wherever the leather cracked, it rises up and then cracks.
Any suggestions on how I can achieve that effect without it looking odd. I am fairly noob in zbrush and I sculpted in the detail using an alpha that I made from a photo.
Programs used: 3Ds Max, Zbrush, Photoshop, Xnormal, Marmoset 2.
Messin around with some of the Marmoset 2 post process effects:
And Textures