Hey everyone,
Currently doing a module at University where we have to redesign and model a character from a fighting game. As you can probably imagine I've chosen to do Mokujin from Tekken.
At this point in the semester we'll be texturing the assets however we get to make a few changes to the sculpt and retopology during the remainder of the semester but also at the beginning of the next so any and all feedback is welcome!

at the moment it is very blobby so im guessing you have gone up the sub division way to quickly , if your not new to polycount this may sound very familiar, can i ask which university you go to ? i studied at stafford uni ?
for the short term go back to your lowest subdivision and refine the shape, you have jumped into the details way to quickly, also look at the silhouette of the character a quick way to do this is the flat colour material in z brush and just analyse the overall shape, once you begin to do this your art will improve 10 fold good luck i hope this helped
Thanks for the tip about the flat shading, will definitely have to have a crack at that when I get the chance.
University is Staffs as well :P
The character will have leaves encasing the hands/buds, over the shoulder and on the stem in his head so they're looking a bit sketchy because they're very much a work in progress.