how would i make these bullets low poly ? like is there a way to get this look with normal maps ? oh and i just noticed the bullets are way to tiny need to scale them up
The best way would be to pack the bullets closer so there is little to no space in between them (I think they should be placed tighter anyway, I'd aim for something closer to this). Then you can just bake them as you would any other object and fill any holes with solid black.
The alternative would be to use alphamapping to make the holes. This way you'd get real holes but if you were to inspect them upclose you'd see that they were paper thin.
I too think it's a good start, but IMO the engines could be designed better as they don't fit in with the rest of the ship. I just think the engines are way too boxy compared to the rest.
thanks for the crits Nosslak ya your right i definitely need to rework the engines. What i need to figure out is how to bend them so i can make them rap around the gun so they come out of the side and bend to the back of it with out warping
Overall your model looks good but I'd work a lot on your presentation. For your more recent images I can't really see what's going on, it's very dark. I also wouldn't rely too much on effects like ray traced reflection or other things that you wouldn't have in engine, as it gives a false impression of what it's actually going to look like, not to mention muddies the presentation and makes things look less clear. Some things like AO are fine but don't go overboard with the effects. Also, your thread title is really bad (no need for the explanation marks, just looks silly).
That looks amazing but may I suggest turning the bullets around as they look like they are being loaded backwards. Also if you want to keep the bandolier look for the bullets but change where they are stored, you could have them come from the bottom of the cockpit and stretch to where it is loaded.
Redid the engines not sure if i like the way they are connected to the ship.. now i need to add missiles and model the inside of the cock pit.. if there is anything you guys think i need to add or change let me know.. oh and im going to try and figure out how to attach the bullets today !!:o
how would i make these bullets low poly ? like is there a way to get this look with normal maps ?
The alternative would be to use alphamapping to make the holes. This way you'd get real holes but if you were to inspect them upclose you'd see that they were paper thin.
I too think it's a good start, but IMO the engines could be designed better as they don't fit in with the rest of the ship. I just think the engines are way too boxy compared to the rest.