Hey polycount!
This is a character I created for my FYP at university. Though its one of my best models, I want to rework it from the high poly model and try to create a character model (hopefully) worthy of being my first portfolio piece. So Im looking to the people at polycount for guidance on getting it up to standard.
A couple of things I defiantly want to improve on over the original are the texture work. I want to add to the character with additional clothing and assets. The original didn't have too much going on with it and needed more assets to convey the theme of the character better. I also want to create a new low poly model, as I feel the original had too low of a polygon count to show the form smoothly. Heres the character how it originally appeared in UDK, close to my hand-in date.
First up though is the high poly. Here's where I stopped sculpting the previous time and moved onto the low poly. However, I know there are still some issues with proportion and anatomy lurking on here, so Crits are welcome.
Next step is probably to create more assets and clothing pieces to add to the theme of the work. Afterwards I plan to retop again with a denser polygon flow.
Thanks for looking!
The taught lines on the inside of the pecs should be following the shape of the muscle instead of running parallel with each other.
The loin cloth and hips look wrong, get some reference. It may be the femur that's too short or the loin cloth is sitting too low and not following the contours of the body.
Also the calves are too big, they're matching the quads which are the biggest muscle set in the body.
Keep on with it, it has potential but you've gotta be brutal with changes. Don't get too attached to high res details and make sure the main forms are correct first. You've sculpted them once, you can certainly do it again and most likely you'll be better at it.