So I've been told I need to promote myself more and Polycount seems like the place to do it! I'm not sure if posting a link to my portfolio is allowed (if not apologies) but here's a showcase of my work.
Let me know what all you talented folks think!
Thanks guys!
Truly inspirational work. Definitely bookmarking this one
Especially since you're loading the full-resolution images anyway so you're not saving any bandwidth by having small thumbnails.
Also I think the design itself is rather bland and unimpressive. If you're going with a minimal theme you've gotta pay extra attention to typography and such; right now it's all the same standard font. I'd use a slightly more interesting display font for the title and links (you've got some fairly nice ones on the concept images), and spice up the resum
I'm using a predesigned DA-Portfolio service, so I have limited options with what I can do with it so I think I'll take a look at implementing my own design. You are right about the full scale images not displaying first time round, I wish there was an option for that!
I guess its a good sign that no one has expressed any real concerns about the work itself .
Thanks again!